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Aug 14, 2017 | Alumni, Awards, News

Alpha Chi Omega wins Small Chapter National Council Trophy

Group photo of Alpha Chi Omega ladies receiving National Council Trophy

The Omicron Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega at Baker University was awarded the 2016-2017 Small Chapter National Council Trophy on August 13. The trophy is awarded based on a chapter’s overall performance and display of significant achievements in chapter management, member support, and development.

“I am so proud of the women of the Omicron Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega,” said Jen (Walley) Upton, ’98, chapter co-advisor. “Being named the National Council Trophy winners for a small chapter is no small feat, and each and every member worked extremely hard to help achieve this accomplishment.”

According to Upton, the Omicron Chapter competed against approximately 50 other chapters with 100 or fewer members in the small chapter category.

“It’s amazing to me that even though we are one of the smallest Alpha Chi Omega chapters in the entire country, our members continue to seek the heights in their thoughts, words, and actions each and every day,” Upton said. “We are incredibly thankful for their enthusiasm, for the support and guidance from the advisory board and the local House Corporation Board, as well as our dedicated alumnae throughout the country.”

Caylea Siler, ’16, who served two terms, was president of the chapter during the 2016-2017 academic year.

“I was ecstatic for the chapter when we learned about the National Council Trophy award,” said current Omicron chapter president Amy Wysong, ’17. “It serves as a great reminder for our chapter to not only celebrate our accomplishments, but also that we should continue to work hard and push ourselves.”

The Omicron chapter of Alpha Chi Omega won the National Council Trophy in 2010, as well.

“We like to say that our chapter might be small, but we sure are mighty, and this award is a direct reflection of that sentiment,” Upton said. “I couldn’t be more proud to call all of these women my sisters.”

Alpha Chi Omega is one of four sororities active at Baker University in addition to four fraternities. In 2015, Best College Reviews named Baker University’s Greek community No. 3 in the country by based on its traditions, safety, philanthropic involvement, and academic excellence.

“This is a great testament to our chapter, and also to the Greek community at Baker,” Wysong said. “We are so thankful to be part of such a supportive university.”

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