Marlene Eicher
School of Nursing
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
Academic & Licensure Requirements
- A baccalaureate degree in nursing from a professionally accredited nursing program (CCNE, ACEN, CNEA).
- A current unencumbered license to practice professional nursing in the United States.
- A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4-point scale in nursing and overall. Students below this level may apply for conditional admission.
- Students who are conditionally admitted must maintain a B (3.0) average in the first 6 hours of the MSN program.
- Undergraduate course work in health assessment, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. Students have an option to test out for applicants with no stand-alone course.
- An undergraduate course in research.
- A graduate-level (500 or above) 3-credit statistics course completed within the last 10 years may be accepted in transfer pending approval.
Time limit to complete MSN degree: six years
To complete the application process, please follow these steps:
- Submit completed online application for graduate admission.
- Submit official transcripts: How to send transcripts to Baker
- Submit a current resume documenting work history, including levels of responsibility, areas of professional growth, and prior professional education experiences.
- Submit a goal statement: a one- to two-page essay describing personal and professional goals, including how graduate nursing study at Baker University will enable achievement of these goals.
An individual interview may be requested or required.
Contact your assistant dean of graduate programs, Marlene Eicher:
785.354.5873 | marlene.eicher@bakerU.edu
Transfer Credits
Graduate courses taken at other institutions before admission to Baker University may, if pertinent to the plan of study and determined to be equivalent to required course work, be accepted in transfer. Transfer credit is limited to 6 credits taken within the last five years in which the student received a grade of B or above. Any course being requested for transfer credit must be submitted to the assistant dean within six weeks of the admission date. Courses not submitted within the six-week timeframe will not be accepted. After admission to the graduate nursing program, all credits toward the MSN degree must be completed at Baker University. Transferred grade points are not included in the calculation of the Baker University GPA.

International Students
Applicants to the MSN program will be reviewed on an individual basis. The applicant should contact the assistant dean with all inquiries.
Dr. Marlene Eicher, Assistant Dean
785.354.5873 | meicher@stormontvail.org