The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires institutions participating in federally funded financial aid programs to make information about the institution available to the public, current and prospective students, current and prospective student loan borrowers, and current employees. The links in this site provide readily accessible consumer information to help students, parents, employees, and the university community make informed decisions about higher education.
The links in this site provide readily accessible consumer information to help students, parents, employees, and the university community make informed decisions about higher education.
Its accreditation has been continuous since first granted in 1913 and was most recently renewed in 2012. Some programs are also accredited and/or approved by other agencies. Accreditation information can be found on the Baker University accreditation page.
Credit Hour Definition
Baker University subscribes to the federal definition of the credit hour:
“A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:
1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester […] hour of credit […]; or
2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph 1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, distance learning and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.”
A class hour at Baker University is typically 50 minutes.
University Process for Determining the Assignment of Credit Hours and Program Length
The following procedures describe the university’s process for determining the assignment of credit hours and program length:
1. In the process of developing a new course and/or program, faculty will propose the appropriate assignment of credit hours on the approved college or school form.
2. The proposed course and/or program must then be reviewed and approved in sequential order by the following units:
a. Academic department or service team
b. CAS, USON, SPGS – Educational Programs and Curriculum Committee (EPC);
USOE – Council on Undergraduate Teacher Education (CUTE);
GSOE – Graduate Education Committee;
GSON – Graduate Nursing Education Committee
c. Faculty senate of each college or school
d. University Academic Council (for addition and removal of programs, majors, and/or degree requirements)
e. Board of Trustees (for addition and removal of programs and majors)
3. Courses and/or academic work must conform to the definition of a credit hour.
Campus Security Report
Baker University publishes an annual security report that discloses relevant information about campus security policies and crime statistics
Retention Rates
Baldwin City Campus Retention of First-Time First-Year Students
Baldwin City Campus Retention of Transfer Students
School of Nursing Retention of BSN Students
MSN, SPGS, and GSOE One-Year Retention Rates
Graduation Rates
Baldwin City Campus Graduation Rates Entering First-Year Cohorts
Baldwin City Campus Transfer Student Graduation Rates
School of Nursing BSN Graduation Rates
MSN, SPGS, and GSOE Graduation Rates
Disability Resources & Services
Baker University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to all students who meet academic admission requirements. Access Services, in the lower level of Collins Library, provides comprehensive support services to meet the needs of students with disabilities. View more information about Access Services.
Additional Links
Ethics Policies, Compliance, & Reporting
KSDE and CAEP Annual Reporting Measures
Diversity of Enrollment
Student (Self-Reported) Ethnic & Gender Distributions
Graduate Survey Reports
The Graduate Survey Report is based on self-reported information about employment or graduate school acceptance within six months of graduation.
Net Price Calculator
The Net Price Calculator is a tool that helps students estimate what it may cost to attend Baker University’s College of Arts and Sciences. This broad estimate is based on the cost of attendance and the financial aid that was provided to full-time, first-time degree-seeking undergraduate students in the last academic year that we have this data for. Actual net price can vary significantly based on student eligibility and does not represent an actual award. Submission of the FAFSA is the only way to obtain a true and accurate determination of eligibility. Estimates apply to full-time, first-time degree-seeking undergraduate students.