Prefestival Band Clinic
$125 per school
Custom Arrangements
If you are using custom arrangements, you are required to obtain the appropriate copyright permission/licenses.
Please visit: CopyCat, Tresona, or Harry Fox.
Rice Auditorium is located at 404 Eighth St.
Download a map showing bus parking.
Baker University will provide an adjudicated festival performance experience and clinic for middle school bands. Ensembles will be adjudicated by two clinicians who will provide comments and assign ratings. Following the performance, each band will have an on-stage clinic with the adjudicators.Each band will have 45 minutes to set up, perform two selections, and have a clinic and rehearsal with the clinicians. Please provide two ORIGINAL copies of each of your festival scores for the clinicians. No photocopies will be accepted. Middle school bands may perform for ratings or for comments at the band director’s choice.
Baker University will provide all large percussion equipment. Please let us know of special needs that you might have in this area.
Students staying through lunch may choose to eat on campus in our cafeteria ($8 estimated per student) or in off-campus restaurants (a list will be provided upon request).