Instructor and students around equipment in the chemistry labry b

Advancement of STEM Teaching and Retention Academy

Noyce Scholarship

The Noyce Scholarship and ASTRA Program train excellent STEM teachers, who will inspire the next generation of innovators to develop solutions to our biggest challenges.

Scholarship Application

Main Program Contact

Dr. Charlsie Prosser

Professor, Project Leader for the ASTRA Program


Become a Noyce Scholar

Through the Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Grant from the National Science Foundation, Baker students will be awarded a scholarship of $11,000 during their junior and senior years as they tackle a demanding course load that culminates in a double major in education and either biology, chemistry, or mathematics.

The program also addresses interview skills, grant writing, leading a STEM club, managing workplace stress, and conducting field research at the Baker University Wetlands. ASTRA graduates will be provided support to attend local, state, and national meetings to facilitate networking and continue to learn STEM best practices.

Baker is partnering with three neighboring school districts that will receive Noyce Scholars as student-teachers: Grandview C-4, Baldwin City USD 348, and Topeka Public Schools.

Each scholar is assigned two Baker faculty advisors: one based in the STEM department and the other in the School of Education. Each partner school district also recruits teachers to serve as mentors.

How to Become a Noyce Scholar

The deadline for submitting applications to become a Noyce Scholar is March 15 in the spring before a student’s third year in college (or the equivalent). Learn more about eligibility and requirements below.

Scholarship Application


Stipends & Scholarships

Program Requirements

Project Leaders

Dr. Charlsie Prosser

Associate Professor, Education Department Chair

Dr. Jamin Perry

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Dr. Erin Morris

Professor of Biology

Molly Anderson

Assistant Professor of Laboratory Instruction, Department of Biology and Chemistry

Dr. Amy Wintermantel

Associate Professor of Education