Transfer Equivalency Guide
Baker University accepts credit from all regionally accredited U.S. institutions. BU also accepts military course credits evaluated by the American Council on Education, AP, and CLEP examination credits. Transfer of credit is subject to the following university-wide limitations:
- Baker will accept up to 12 credit hours of technical courses completed at other accredited institutions.
- Transfer grade points are not included in the calculation of the Baker University GPA.
- Transfer courses in which a grade of C- or higher was earned are accepted for credit.
- Remedial courses do not transfer as degree credit.

Transfer Your Credits
Transcripts must be submitted to the registrar’s office for evaluation. Official transcripts should be sent to Baker University Office of Admissions, PO Box 65, Baldwin City, KS, 66006. Or, if your colleges use a third-party digital service like Parchment or National Student Clearinghouse, please have the transcript sent to our Office of the Registrar at

How Transfer Courses are Evaluated & Avenues for Appeal
Course equivalencies are determined according to course descriptions and content as listed in the catalog of the sending institution. Syllabi for some courses may be required in order to determine final equivalencies or general education credits.
The evaluation is performed by our registrar’s office, who consults with academic departments as needed.
If the student or sending institution disagrees with the course evaluation, a syllabus may be submitted for review, or a request to substitute the nonequivalent course for a Baker requirement may be made. The student’s academic department makes the decision on the substitution request.
Transfer Equivalency Guide for Prospective Baker Students
Baker University’s Transfer Equivalency Guide is intended to help prospective students determine how courses may transfer. This information is not a guarantee or a contract. This is not an official evaluation of your course work and should be used as a guide only. Course evaluations may change over time.
This is not a comprehensive list of courses. If you have taken a course which is not listed in the guide, it does not mean that the course will not transfer; it just means that the course has not previously been evaluated for transfer or may transfer as elective credit.
Courses transferred from four-year institutions will be designated as upper- or lower-division according to the original institution’s course numbering system. Courses from two-year institutions will be designated as lower-division courses. Remedial courses do not transfer as degree credit.
Coursework that has no direct equivalent is coded as elective credit and will appear as 1++ or 3++.