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What Can You Do With a Criminal Justice Degree?


Matthew R. Bice, PhD

Dean of Graduate and Online Education

Unlocking Career Horizons: Exploring Jobs With a Criminal Justice Degree

Whether you’re passionate about upholding justice, maintaining order, or delving into the intricacies of the legal system, a criminal justice degree provides a solid foundation for a variety of criminal justice careers.

Choosing a criminal justice degree opens the door to many opportunities in the field of law enforcement, public safety, mediation, victim advocacy, or investigation.

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Skills You’ll Gain in a Criminal Justice Degree Program

Before we explore criminal justice career paths, let’s first look at the skills you will gain in a criminal justice program:

Critical thinking. Gaining critical thinking skills allows you to analyze complex situations, assess evidence, and make informed decisions—all crucial for criminal justice careers such as investigators, analysts, advocates, and legal professionals.

Problem-solving. The ability to identify and solve problems is integral in criminal justice careers. Whether it involves resolving conflicts, addressing legal challenges, or developing strategies for crime prevention, problem-solving skills are essential.

Communication. Effective communication is vital in law enforcement and legal settings. Criminal justice programs often focus on enhancing verbal and written communication skills to ensure that graduates can articulate ideas clearly, interview witnesses, and write reports.

Research. Research is a fundamental aspect of criminal justice work. You will learn how to gather, evaluate, and analyze information, which is valuable in investigations, policy development, and legal proceedings.

Ethical decision-making. Those in criminal justice careers often face ethical dilemmas. A strong ethical foundation helps you navigate complex moral issues and make decisions that align with legal and moral standards.

Attention to detail. Precision is crucial in criminal justice careers, especially in areas like evidence collection and legal documentation. Developing a keen attention to detail is emphasized to ensure accuracy in investigations and court proceedings.

Teamwork and collaboration. Many jobs with a criminal justice degree require collaboration with colleagues, law enforcement agencies, legal professionals, and community members. Teamwork skills are honed to foster effective partnerships and enhance overall public safety efforts.

Cultural competence. Understanding diverse perspectives and cultural nuances is vital in a field that deals with a wide range of individuals. Criminal justice programs often include coursework on cultural competence to ensure you can work effectively in diverse communities.

Technology proficiency. As technology continues to play a significant role in law enforcement and criminal justice, programs often include training in the use of modern technologies, such as crime mapping tools, forensic software, and database systems.

Legal knowledge. A solid understanding of the legal system, criminal law, and legal procedures is a cornerstone of criminal justice education. Graduates are equipped with the knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of the legal environment.

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Jobs That Start With a Criminal Justice Degree

Criminal justice career paths are as diverse as the individuals who choose this field. Here are a few examples:

Law enforcement officer. One of the most common jobs for people with a criminal justice degree is a police officer. Responsible for maintaining public order, enforcing laws, and protecting citizens, police officers play a vital role in the community. Career advancement opportunities often include promotions to supervisory roles or specialized units.

Probation officer. Probation officers work with individuals who have been convicted of crimes, ensuring they comply with court-ordered conditions. They play a crucial role in the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society.

Criminal investigator. Criminal investigators, also known as detectives, work to solve crimes by collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and analyzing information. This role often requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to think critically.

Legal assistant or paralegal. Criminal justice graduates with strong research and organizational skills can work as legal assistants or paralegals, supporting attorneys in various legal settings.

Law enforcement leader. Climbing the ranks within law enforcement agencies can lead to leadership roles such as police chief or sheriff. These positions involve strategic planning, community engagement, and policy development.

Legal professional. A criminal justice degree can be a stepping stone to law school, opening doors to become an attorney, prosecutor, or defense lawyer, advocating for justice in the courtroom.

Mediator. Mediators are responsible for listening to both sides of a dispute to help the people involved find a mutually agreeable solution without going to court.

Victim advocate. People who work as victim advocates are trained to provide information, emotional support, access to services, and a wide range of assistance to the victims of crimes, sometimes accompanying them to court proceedings. Victim advocates are typically motivated by deep reservoirs of compassion and empathy, and a desire to help others.

Child protective services representative. As a part of the human services, workers employ investigative techniques to ethically explore suspected cases of child abuse and neglect and design programs to develop and strengthen families while protecting all members of a community.

Highest-Paying Law Enforcement Jobs

While all jobs gained by a criminal justice degree are fulfilling, some criminal justice career paths pay better. Here are the three highest-paying law enforcement jobs:

Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent
FBI special agents play a crucial role in national security and criminal investigations. This prestigious position often comes with a competitive salary and benefits.

Drug Enforcement Administration agent
DEA agents combat drug trafficking and enforce drug-related laws. Due to the challenging nature of their work, these positions often come with higher compensation.

U.S. Marshal
U.S. marshals are responsible for apprehending fugitives, managing and transporting prisoners, and ensuring the security of the federal judicial process. Their critical role is reflected in their salary structure.


Start Your Criminal Justice Career at Baker University

A criminal justice degree is a versatile qualification that opens doors to a wide array of criminal justice careers.

Whether you choose a traditional law enforcement role or opt for a specialized career path, the skills and knowledge gained in pursuing a criminal justice degree lay the foundation for a meaningful and impactful professional journey.

Baker offers a 100 percent online Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice that prepares you for the rewarding and the highest-paying law enforcement jobs. In our program, you will:

  • Learn why and how the criminal justice system handles crime and offenders.
  • Gain an understanding of the theory and practices behind the criminal justice system.
  • Explore and understand ethics as they apply to the criminal justice system.
  • Increase your understanding of the role of policing, courts, and corrections.
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