Kennedy Ninmer
Assistant Director of Student Life
Office of Student Affairs
Letter from the President
Dear Potential New Members,
My name is Katelyn Knaussman, and I serve as Panhellenic president at Baker University. Panhellenic is the organization that supports the growth and development of all sororities at Baker. I have loved the past three years as a sorority member. I am grateful for the experiences Fraternity Sorority Life has brought me. It has allowed me to make connections and friendships by introducing me to positive, hard-working, and caring students on campus. As the Panhellenic president, I have the opportunity to work with women outside of my sorority. All three sororities have a positive impact on Baker’s campus and community. I hope you consider going through recruitment to meet amazing women and learn about our philanthropic efforts!
I went through recruitment to meet new people and create bonds I could take with me throughout my college years. Before going through recruitment, I saw Fraternity Sorority Life positively impact my family and friends. My mother joined a sorority at Baker. Hearing her positive memories excited me! I wanted to experience the process for myself. My advice for future women going through recruitment is to be your true self. You will end up where you need to be and have no regrets if you are authentically you. No matter what sorority you join, the women in Panhellenic will support you!
The Panhellenic community is excited to welcome you to Baker! See you in August!
Katelyn Knaussman
2024 Panhellenic President

Recruitment Schedule
Saturday, August 17
1 p.m. Fraternity Sorority Life interest session for parents and family in the Owens AV Room
3 – 5 p.m. Open houses and tours at each chapter house
Sunday, August 18
Noon Sorority potential new member orientation in the Alumni Center
1 – 3 p.m. Meet the Greeks in the Alumni Center
Monday, August 19
12:30 – 5:30 p.m. Sorority recruitment sisterhood events in the Alumni Center
Tuesday, August 20
8:30 – 11: 30 a.m. Sorority recruitment preference events in the Alumni Center
5:30 p.m. Sorority bid day in the Alumni Center