College of Arts & Sciences



Brandi Pohlmeier

Department Assistant

History, Culture & Society

What is sociology?


Sociology is the study of human behavior, patterns of social relationships, and societal interactions in everyday life. At the core of sociology is the sociological perspective, or the mindset that our social backgrounds influence behaviors, attitudes, and opportunities in life.

Sociologists use research to examine these behaviors and how they relate to their social networks, families, work, and community. The research provides insight into social problems, crime, social justice, the economy, and how they intersect.

Why study sociology at Baker University?

As a sociology major at Baker University, you will work closely with an advisor to create a personalized undergraduate experience. The small class sizes allow you to dive deeply into different sociological theories to provide a foundation and gain insight into the social world around you.

Baker University has partnerships with various agencies in Topeka, Lawrence, and Kansas City to offer internships to gain real-world experience.

Five girls walking on campus

Career Opportunities for Sociology Majors

  • Social worker
  • Substance abuse counselor
  • Police officer
  • Human resource representative
  • Victim advocate
  • Teacher
  • Case manager
  • Counselor
  • Criminal investigator
  • Parole officer

Concentrations & Minors in Sociology at Baker University

Crime & Criminology Concentration

Welfare & Social Well-Being Concentration

Social Justice Minor

Scholarships for Sociology Majors

The Department of History, Culture, and Society gives these awards with financial prizes to be applied to the following year’s tuition:

  • Mildred Hunt Riddle Departmental Recognition Scholarship for Social Sciences
  • Mildred Hunt Riddle Departmental Recognition Scholarship for Philosophy and Religion
  • Mildred Hunt Riddle Departmental Recognition Scholarship for History
  • Dorothy J. and James F. Hilgenberg Scholarship
  • Gilbert and Martha Jane Lewis Ferguson Scholarship
  • Brune Memorial Scholarship
  • Paul Dick Scholarship
  • Warren E. and Marion Rhodes DeSpain Scholarship in Church Leadership
  • Thomas G. Manson and Frances B. Manson Scholarship
Group of students in front of Mulvane Hall on campus

Sociology Course Descriptions

Meet the Faculty

Dr. Tim Buzzell

Professor of Sociology

B.A., M.P.A. Drake University; Ph.D. Iowa State University

Expertise: Computer crime and Internet deviance, sociology of ritual and holidays, political sociology and extremist groups

Office: Parmenter Hall 16


Dr. Michelle Deming

Assistant Professor of Sociology

M.A. University of North Carolina in Wilmington; Ph.D. University of South Carolina; Graduate Certificate in Women’s and Gender Studies, University of South Carolina

Office: Parmenter Hall 23

Head shot

Jeffrey D. Milton

Instructor of Sociology

B.S. Baker University, M.A. Friends University

Expertise: Spiritual formation, religious studies, sociology of the individual, sociology of meaning-making

Office: Parmenter Hall 13