Speech Center

Open to all Baker students, faculty, and staff.
Trained peer speech consultants give feedback on the following:
- Individual presentations
- Group presentations
- Fielding interview questions for an internship or job
- Becoming a more competent communicator
How to Book an Appointment
Individuals and groups preparing a speech or presentation may schedule an appointment with our trained student speech consultants. You can also book an appointment to practice for an upcoming interview. The Speech Center is equipped for practice with a variety of visual aids and audio support.
The Speech Center will remain open until the end of the semester. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to schedule an appointment online and meet with a consultant at the Speech Center, located in room 12 of Parmenter Hall. If you have questions, you are welcome to email Dr. Kimberly Schaefer at kschaefer@bakerU.edu.
Book an Appointment
Contact Us
Kimberly Schaefer, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication
Director, Baker University Speech Center
Brandi Pohlmeier
Parmenter Hall 17
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