Campus beauty shot of the chapel

Service Learning

Building your community

Baker Serves is the community service organization that serves as a liaison between Baker students and volunteer opportunities. The organization coordinates community service activities on campus and in surrounding communities.

Service Learning

At Baker, we believe in developing students into responsible contributors to society and caretakers of their communities. Most Baker students get involved in at least one service project during their college career, engaging in community service locally and in the region, nation, and even the world. Voluntary community service may be a one-time, short-term project or a lengthy, ongoing commitment by a group or just one student.

Every service experience is integrated into and enhances the academic curriculum of the student. Baker knows student learning takes place not only within the classroom but also outside and within our community. Service-learning promotes hands-on learning by accomplishing the following:

  • Addresses community needs
  • Engages in civic responsibility
  • Actively reflects on the learning taking place
  • Develops strengths that last a lifetime

Projects organized by Baker students reach beyond the campus to directly affect communities, often through partnerships with agencies such as Habitat for Humanity and Harvesters Community Food Network. Organizations such as Baker Serves and projects such as The Big Event and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service gives students an opportunity to have fun in selfless support of worthwhile causes.